Are you proficient with all the languages that are used at your work? If not, your capacity to execute your job 100% will be limited. That means you are not able to utilize your time effectively. Time and effort lost are lost forever. If you are proficient with the languages then with the same amount of time and effort you can achieve more. That means you are living smart.
Please don’t take me as rude. If you are living in GCC, you should know English, Arabic, and Hindi well. You should know how to use English effectively and in many cases, Arabic and Hindi are also must. Without the knowledge of these essential languages, you are similar to a man in the middle of the ocean and not knowing how to swim.
If you want to utilize your life in GCC 100%, you should learn these languages.
With the help of O. H. Rahman’s Academy, you can achieve the following skills from Home through WhatsApp and Zoom within four months.